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junior partner中文是什么意思

用"junior partner"造句"junior partner"怎么读"junior partner" in a sentence


  • 次要合伙人


  • I ' ve been junior partner for too iong now , karl
  • He is the junior partner in the firm
  • See ? it pays to have a junior partner
  • She joined the firm a year ago and is a junior partner now
  • Spencer ' s been made junior partner
  • He became a lawyer , and hardly was he back in the office when father took him in as junior partner
  • A junior partner in a firm was sent to a far - away state to represent a client accused of robbery
    律师事务所的一个小律师(或者“一个初级合伙人” )被派往一个很远的州去代理一宗当事人被控抢劫的案件
  • Indeed , the mail has learnt that the actor ' s junior partner role was brought into sharp relief later as he trailed behind his wife when she made her entrance into another party - thrown by the nbc television network
  • Moli re and his company were very much the junior partners in the theatre , but they still had a huge success in 1659 with the affected young ladies , a farce that satirized contemporary attempts to refine the french language and imitate manners depicted in the novels of the time , particularly those of madeleine de scud ry
    莫里哀与他的公司在剧场里虽是新手,但他们仍然获得了巨大的成功,在1659年演出了《可笑的女才子》 ,这是一个闹剧,它讽刺当时人们咬文嚼字与模仿类似玛德莱茵?德?斯库德里的流行小说里的行为方式。
用"junior partner"造句  


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